Our intention
Climate change & environmental degradation are two of the biggest challenges of our time. In the field of culture, music & arts festivals have a major impact on the environment.
(Imagine : thousands of people travelling to a festival, the huge amount of energy to put on the show, and how much food is produced to keep festival-goers happy.)
We need to rethink the production model & design of these events and create festivals future … That is what GREEN EUROPE EXPERIENCE is about.
6 european partners, 4 festivals and 2 NGOs join forces to create, do & review a sustainable production model for music & arts festivals.
Our Motto ? Think globally, act locally, change collectively
GREEN EUROPE EXPERIENCE is a 3 year living lab, based on 2 main topics : scenography & food, with 7 workshops to make it real.
Our Belief? Circular economy based on the 7R model : rethink, reduce, re-use, repair, refurbish, recover, recycle, is the key.
It is the best way to reach the relevant United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to face climate change, enhance biodiversity and support equality.
The GEX Process is very simple : CREATE, DO & REVIEW. It means that sometimes you win, sometimes you learn!
What if we try to make bags with old tents ? What if we try to cook with 100% local vegetables ? Well, let’s do, and review.
During 3 years, thanks to our collaboration, we will share unique knowledge with our teams, local suppliers and stakeholders: circular economy is the way to create the festivals of tomorrow and GEX the best way to get it…

Why scenography, why food ?
Scenography is the image of a festival, it includes all deco, art, installation works, design, signage… It is an optimal area to raise curiosity & awareness around environmental issues among festival goers. The GEX ambition is to make scenography :
– A way to test innovation with the 7 Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle…) which are the principles of the circular economy by promoting the reuse of waste materials, the reduction of single use materials and the recycling/conversion of the created scenography artwork
– A place where fantasy meets ecological challenges through a spatial art form that allows artist to express their creativity in innovative ways
Food is the taste of our commitments, and the foodcourt the place where the festival goers starts their ecological practices. But it also represents a huge portion of our carbon footprint. The GEX ambition is to make food :
– A way to innovate in the production of a sustainable and affordable offer made with less impact. Our goal is to put back at the center of food management : local suppliers, seasonals & bio products.
– A delicious weapon to spread best practices and encourage festivals goears eating vegetarian, using gourds for drinks, sorting their waste…
Our to do list
GEX will take place during 3 years : Sept 2019 – Sept 2022/postponed Sept 2023. Year one will be dedicated to Scenography. Year two will be dedicated to Food.
GEX uses the Living Lab method, based on co-creation, mentoring, skills building between the 6 partners and their teams. It is a collaborative process which includes professionals, students, stakeholders, experts.
GEX will write two specifics charters based on the 7R for the two main topics : Scenography & Food.
GEX will create and develop analysis tools : evaluation grids, survey dedicated to the project.
GEX will facilitate and implement 7 workshops in the 4 festivals, where the 6 partners will create, test and assess their innovations.
GEX will produce a method and manual for the two main issues of the project for the improvement of the festival and events industry.